There's a whole
Youth Camp & Exchange Team!
There's a whole
Youth Camp & Exchange Team!
There's a whole
Youth Camp & Exchange Team!
Name | Function | Lions Club | Phone | E-mail |
Astrid Ricquier | Secretary | Leo Club Schelde-Leie | +32 496 20 99 47 | |
Stijn Renier | President National Commission | LC Aarschot | +32 475 78 25 93 | |
Paul Vanderhaeghen | Treasurer | LC Damme Zwin | '+32 479 72 95 20 | |
Harold Kerckhaert | Responsable District 112 A | LC De Pinte Millennium | +32 473 97 49 05 |
Dirk De Beule | Responsable District112 B | LC Antwerpen Voorkempen | +32 478 44 69 98 | |
Pierre Meyssonnier | Responsable District112 C | LC Schaerbeek Les Cerisiers | +32 477 20 08 88 | |
Georges Loix | Responsable District112 D | LC Hannut | +32 497 05 89 40 | |
Stijn Renier | Secretary outgoing Europe | LC Aarschot | 32 475 78 25 93 | |
Paul Berghmans | Secretary outgoing USA & Canada | LC Mechelen | +32 473 85 06 25 | |
Alexander Vissers | Secretary outgoing Far destinations | LC Antwerpen-Moerland | +32 497 91 99 52
| |
Frank Lauwers | Secretary Incoming | LC Bruxelles Royal | +32 473 22 20 04 | |
And this is our organigram!
1. The person holding this position is responsible for the organisation of the YCE Committee meetings and making the protocols in both languages. Also for the organisation of the information sessions first with interested lion families and secondly with the active participants.
2.During the Europa forum agreements are made with different countries regarding the youngsters Belgium will accept as well as the number of participants Belgium can, send to that country. These agreements are fixed in contracts.
3.This function deals with the follow-up of all incoming AP’s, based upon the contracts made with European countries. Also specific elements such as allergies, food preferences etc. need to be recorded in order to select the best suited host family.
4.This function deals with numerous aspects such as everything related with the camp site, collaboration with the Lions club delivering the needed support, finding and coaching of the assistants, elaborate an activity program (incl. transport) partly together with the districts (day spend per district), finding sponsors and take care of transport for the return of the youngsters after the camp.
5.Pr relates to all responsibilities concerning identifying of, market research on and purchasing of goods to be given to as well the departing youngsters as the ones coming over to Belgium. The logistics thereof is evidently an important issue.
As this is a functional organisational chart, it must be clear that a number of functions can be held by the same individuals. All depends on the workload and the interest (s)he has in certain area’s. It is the prerogative of the chairman to identify the best suited volunteers willing to take up these responsibilities.