There's a whole
Youth Camp & Exchange Team!
There's a whole
Youth Camp & Exchange Team!
You're not the first to participate in Lions Youth Exchange, here's what other youth experienced...
I think it had a lasting impact, in a good way. Having to co-live with youngsters my age for a week and having to stay in a foreign country with my hosts families, without my parents, probably helped me and the other youngsters mature. I used to not like getting out of my comfort zone, but I tried soooo many new things (like food, activities,…). Like example: my host family would often tell me that I was “very open to trying new foods” when we’d eat out. This came to a surprise to me, as I think of myself of a picky eater. I feel I’ve probably changed and matured on other aspects of my personality too, but it will take a little longer before I realise what those things are probably. All that to say that this experience has definitely teached me new things and helped to find myself as a teen!
This summer I really met the world and more precisely something that US people called "worldkindness". I realized that we can be friends with people from Japan, Brazil, France, Mongolia or Hungary and no matter what is happening with politics or economy. We were as close as a big family and we have spent only one week together so that is crazy. Regarding my life with my host family I would say that it was really enriching to live with other people and other habits. I were amazed everyday to learn new things and get to know better Michigan and America. I will never regret this experience that made me more openminded and more humanity trusting.
Since i made a few good friends at the camp i feel like i gained more confidence and am now beter able to talk with people individually and in groups which was difficult before
Ik kan je zeggen dat de reis naar Texas de beste is die ik ooit heb meegemaakt. De mensen die ik daar ontmoet heb, spreek ik nog steeds en zullen ik denk ik ook de rest van mijn leven vrienden blijven.
It made me more secure and I learned a lot about the other nationalities, which was very interesting. I also learned to be more social with the people around me because I saw that it was very important in Italy to socialize with everyone of the camp
This experience had been amazing for me I made friends with the people I got to know from my host family where I’m still in contact with, and I made friends with people in camp that I still talk to. It has warmed me up to want and help with volunteers work, and made me want to meet more people and make more friends with the people around. I never believed it when they told it would change me to go to the exchange but, in my experience it did. I got to meet people from all over the world and make even more friends, together with seeing beautiful places which made me appreciate art a lot more. I’m very grateful that I got to do this experience and I can’t wait to apply for next year.
This made me feel like I don’t know anything for sure yet and that I have to be more proactive in this world.
Deze uitwisseling was een onvergetelijke ervaring die mij altijd zal bijblijven. Deze zomer leerde ik nieuwe vrienden kennen, ontmoette ik mensen van over heel de wereld en leerde ik over andere culturen. Samen met 12 leeftijdsgenoten ontdekte ik Georgia en kreeg ik te horen wat de Lions hier bezighoudt. Ook zelf hielpen we met verschillende projecten. We zamelden brillen in en gingen 2 dagen helpen op een kamp voor slechtzienden.
Toch zullen de mensen me het meest bijblijven. Ik werd verwelkomt door een koppel die na wat twijfels toch besloot 2 jongeren uit het buitenland op te vangen. Samen met een meisje uit Duitsland werd ik door hen meegenomen in het dagelijks leven hier en we waren al snel een deel van het gezin.
Deze drie weken zal ik nooit vergeten en ik kijk er al naar uit om iemand volgende zomer te ontvangen.
It was a experience so important for me and my future. I know that I want to live in Asia later and I will never forget this experience.
This experience has opened me up as a person but also for the world. Learning about the different cultures was so impressive, educational and beautiful to hear. I will always look back on it positively and will never forget that I was able to experience this beautiful journey. Thank you!
Dat is prachtige aan deze reis. De mensen die je leert kennen, de vriendschappen die je schept en de verrijking aan cultuur zijn stuk voor stuk elementen om je blik op alle mogelijke manieren te verbreden.
Tout d’abord, la famille d’accueil à Léon a été adorable avec moi. Elle m’a fait découvrir les plats typiques de la région, les environs et le mode de vie espagnol. Je me suis très vite bien entendue avec les enfants de la famille. J’ai aussi pu rencontrer de nouvelles personnes de partout dans le monde et découvrir beaucoup de choses à propos de leur pays, leur façon de vivre et de voir la Belgique. Ils ne sont pas si différents, je peux avoir énormément de points communs et d’affinités avec eux. J’en garde un très bon souvenir et j’ai déjà hâte d’accueillir un jeune à la maison.