There's a whole
Youth Camp & Exchange Team!
There's a whole
Youth Camp & Exchange Team!

Experience Lions Youth Camp & Exchange MD112 Belgium
Bringing Youth together worldwide

It is my life
On Youth Exchange
When you are between 16 and 22 you surely have an opinion about, and a vision on, important issues such as: environment, social media, sexting, mobility, social discrepancies, music, nature….
You talk about these items with your friends, your parents, your family and these talks lead to a more consistent and well-considered opinion.
But wouldn’t it be interesting to go one step further? How do other youngsters of your generation look at these issues? Youngsters with another cultural background, living in completely different environments, subject to inputs from a completely different angle. Wouldn’t it be great to talk with them, exchange ideas and vision? You listen, you talk, you discuss, you feel their emotions, you understand their social environment, you identify their personality; in short you become very close with them, you respect them and their ideas and they do respect you and yours. And out of all of this grows an new or adapted vision on your future, your life.
Meeting youngsters from different countries, continents is an enrichment, an experience never to be forgotten.
Here is the good news: doing this is not a dream, that is reality. When you subscribe to the YCE program, we offer you the possibility to spend 2 to 4 weeks in a country around the globe.
These programs run in Europe, North America and in some countries in Africa, South America, Asia and Oceania.
You live in the first part of your stay with a family, so that you can experience how daily life is in the country of your choice. You get familiar with them, visit special sites; in short you become a full family member.
In the second part of the stay, you come together with youngsters from all over the world who have done the same and are eager to understand you better. A unique opportunity to think about the world that you, the generation of the future, have to create and contribute to. A world where respect and understanding are key.
Go, and enjoy what will for sure be one of the most important experiences in your life.
Paul Berghmans, LC Mechelen, Belgium